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《中英對照讀新聞》The web is broken, so its founder is taking another stab at it 全球資訊網出了毛病,其創立者正在試點別的


今年是全球資訊網創立30週年,「網路之父」伯納斯李受邀至歐洲核子研究組織演講。 (美聯社檔案照)

2019/06/03 05:30


The founder of the World Wide Web thinks it’s broken and has a plan to fix it.


Tim Berners-Lee, the British computer scientist credited with inventing the web in 1989, announced a new project that he hopes will radically change his creation, by giving people full control over their data.


The open-source software is called Solid. It allows developers to create decentralized apps that run on data that its users fully own. If Solid becomes widely adopted, then all your apps could talk to each other using the same set of data, which you and only you control.


The new project is a clear rebuke of the tech giants whose opaque use of personal data is core to their businesses. Facebook’s notorious grip follows people around the web, even if they’ve signed out or have actually deleted their accounts, and Google’s Android phones track people’s movements, far beyond just their coordinates.



data:名詞,數據、資料。例句:Within the Solid ecosystem, you decide where you store your data.(在「Solid」生態系統中,你可以決定個人數據的儲存位置。)

World Wide Web:名詞,全球資訊網、萬維網。例句:The decision to make the World Wide Web an open system was necessary for it to be universal.(為了讓每個人都能使用全球資訊網,讓它成為開放系統的決定有其必要性。)

control:名詞,控制;動詞,控制、操縱。例句:You can’t propose that something be a universal space and at the same time keep control of it.(你無法弄出一個網路空間,既要人人都能使用,同時又要掌管它。)

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