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中英對照讀新聞》China reserve shows off 10 panda cubs to mark Lunar New Year/中國保護區展示10隻貓熊寶寶來慶祝農曆新年

中國四川省臥龍中華大熊貓苑神樹坪基地的貓熊寶寶,3日在充滿年味的環境中開心進食。 (法新社)

中國四川省臥龍中華大熊貓苑神樹坪基地的貓熊寶寶,3日在充滿年味的環境中開心進食。 (法新社)

2021/02/20 05:30


Ten panda cubs made their public debut in China’s leading panda reserve Wednesday morning to mark the coming Lunar New Year.


One appeared shy and covered its face with both paws when it saw the crowd, while another went rogue and crawled away from its keeper before being caught.


The pandas range in age from 4 to 6 months, and all resulted from natural mating, according to the China Conservation and Research Center for Giant Panda in southwest China’s Sichuan province.


The black-and-white fluff balls made their appearance in a playground at the center adorned with Lunar New Year’s decorations.


Bamboo baskets of treats were prepared for the pandas, with the Chinese character "fu," meaning good fortune and blessings, written on the outside. (AP)



show off:片語動詞,指炫耀、賣弄。例句:That background shows off the vase to good effect.(那背景把這只花瓶襯托得很漂亮。)

debut:名詞、動詞,指首演。例句:That was her debut album.(那是她首張專輯。)

rogue:形容詞,指行為失常的、常製造麻煩的、野獸離群且危險的。例句:She went rogue, and tried to kill all of us.(她叛變且試圖殺了我們所有人。)

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