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    《中英對照讀新聞》Author Murakami:Joy of writing is to start not knowing end-作家村上春樹:寫作的樂趣在於初下筆時不知道結局



    2019/02/15 06:00


    Best-selling Japanese author Haruki Murakami says he enjoys writing novels because he doesn’t know how they’ll end up.


    Murakami, hosting a special radio show on Sunday, said he starts writing without deciding how the story should end. Ideas pop up as he writes and he goes with the flow while the stories take shape.


    "It’s no fun writing a story if I already know how it’s going to end," Murakami said. "Because the very person who is writing doesn’t know what happens, I think readers would also share the anticipation and enjoy the thrill while reading."


    During Sunday’s show, Murakami played a selection of cover versions from jazz and pop. He opened the show paying tribute to Aretha Franklin, playing her version of Frank Sinatra’s "My Way," which he only played partially in his earlier show, a week before she died.



    go with the flow:隨波逐流,順勢而為。

    take shape:成形。例句:Our ideas are beginning to take shape.(我們的想法開始成形。)

    pay tribute:讚賞,致敬。例句:The city paid tribute to the police officers who died in the gunfight with gang members.(該市向在與幫派份子的槍戰中殉職的員警們致敬。)

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