2025/03/27 05:30
中英對照讀新聞》Cat living at London ambulance station spared from eviction住在倫敦救護站的貓咪免遭驅逐
2025/03/26 05:30
中英對照讀新聞》Amsterdam to ban polluting pleasure boats in April阿姆斯特丹將於4月起禁止造成污染的娛樂船隻
2025/03/25 05:30
中英對照讀新聞》One cat’s incredible reunion with its owner after the LA wildfires 洛杉磯野火過後,1隻貓與主人的驚人重逢
2025/03/24 05:30
中英對照讀新聞》Mount Fuji hikers to be charged $27 on all trails 富士山登山者將須支付27美元步道費
2025/03/23 05:30
中英對照讀新聞》Art as therapy: Swiss doctors prescribe museum visits藝術療法:瑞士醫師開出參觀博物館的處方
2025/03/22 05:30
中英對照讀新聞》UK pagans have spring in their step as equinox approaches 春分將近 英國異教徒步履輕快
2025/03/21 05:30
中英對照讀新聞》Starbucks Reverses Its Open-Door Policy for Bathroom Use and Lounging 星巴克大改其如廁與窩在店內的開放政策
2025/03/20 05:30
中英對照讀新聞》Argentine town battles a parrot invasion阿根廷小鎮與入侵的鸚鵡奮戰
2025/03/19 05:30
中英對照讀新聞》Brad Pitt isn’t messaging you, rep warns, after adoring fan scammed布萊德‧彼特不會傳訊息給你,他的代表在崇拜他的粉絲被詐騙後提出警告
2025/03/18 05:30
中英對照讀新聞》Intel’s new CEO to receive $1 million as base salary 英特爾新執行長獲得100萬美元底薪
2025/03/17 05:30
中英對照讀新聞》Sri Lanka Reports Massive Tolls In Human-elephant Conflicts 斯里蘭卡人象衝突釀慘重傷亡
2025/03/16 05:30
中英對照讀新聞》Rare Caravaggio masterpieces showcased in Rome exhibition難得一見的卡拉瓦喬巨作在羅馬展出
2025/03/15 05:30
中英對照讀新聞》Philippines’ Duterte offers a glimmer of hope at troubled ICC菲律賓的杜特蒂為陷入困境的國際刑事法院帶來一線希望
2025/03/14 05:30
中英對照讀新聞》EVs lag behind in Japan despite early lead by domestic makers 國內車廠起初雖領先,日本電動車銷售仍落後他國
2025/03/13 05:30
中英對照讀新聞》US cops get gun stuck to MRI machine in bungled cannabis raid美國警察在1次拙劣的大麻突襲中 槍枝被卡在核磁共振儀器
2025/03/12 05:30
中英對照讀新聞》UK, Germany electricity cleanest on record in 2024英國、德國在2024年創下最乾淨電力紀錄
2025/03/11 05:30
中英對照讀新聞》World’s oldest llama enjoys comforting chronically ill children in North Carolina 世界上最老的羊駝喜歡安慰北卡羅來納州罹患慢性病的兒童
2025/03/10 05:30
中英對照讀新聞》Russian Gets 16-year Jail Term For Spying For Ukraine 俄羅斯人因替烏克蘭從事間諜活動被判16年徒刑
2025/03/09 05:30
中英對照讀新聞》Sex worker drama ’Anora’ sweeps Oscars with five awards including best picture性工作者劇情片「艾諾拉」橫掃最佳影片在內5座奧斯卡獎
2025/03/08 05:30
中英對照讀新聞》Lesotho insulted after Trump says nobody has heard of the country 賴索托受辱,在川普說沒人聽說過這個國家後