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《中英對照讀新聞》Left-handed boxers win more fights 左撇子拳擊手贏更多比賽

最新研究指出,左撇子格鬥家更具競爭優勢,因為他們的攻擊總讓右撇子對手措手不及圖為左撇子的愛爾蘭綜合格鬥技冠軍麥葛瑞格(Conor McGregor),去年10月在拉斯維加斯出賽。(美聯社檔案照)

最新研究指出,左撇子格鬥家更具競爭優勢,因為他們的攻擊總讓右撇子對手措手不及圖為左撇子的愛爾蘭綜合格鬥技冠軍麥葛瑞格(Conor McGregor),去年10月在拉斯維加斯出賽。(美聯社檔案照)

2019/03/05 06:00


Left-handed people are better fighters than their right-handed counterparts because they catch them off guard, new research has found.


Researchers studied data on the careers of 10,000 professional boxers and mixed martial arts fighters. They found that when a left-handed fighter fought a right-handed competitor, around 54 per cent of the time the left-handed fighter got a higher rating.


According to the "fighting hypothesis," right-handed people are more used to fighting fellow right-handers due to the relative rarity of left-handed people. As a result, left-handed people have a competitive advantage in combat because their opponents are likely to be disoriented by their fighting stance.



catch sb off guard:動詞片語,使(某人)措手不及。例句:The journalist caught the star off guard with a personal question.(那位記者提出一個私人問題,讓那位藝人措手不及。)

rarity:名詞,稀有、罕見。例句:Diamonds are valuable because of their rarity.(鑽石因為稀有而珍貴。)

disorient:動詞,使…迷失方位、使…失去方向感。例句:It’s easy to get disoriented because all the streets look alike.(因為所有街道看起來都很像,很容易就迷路。)

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