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《中英對照讀新聞》Mushrooms may ’reduce the risk of mild brain decline’ 香菇或能「降低輕度腦衰退的風險」


多吃香菇可能有助於降低輕度腦衰退的風險。圖為法國巴黎UpCycle公司以填充咖啡渣的太空包生產香菇。 (法新社檔案照)

2019/04/10 06:00


Eating mushrooms more than twice a week could prevent memory and language problems occurring in the over-60s, research from Singapore suggests.


A unique antioxidant present in mushrooms could have a protective effect on the brain, the study found. The more mushrooms people ate, the better they performed in tests of thinking and processing speed.


The National University of Singapore study’s findings were based on 663 Chinese adults, aged over 60, whose diet and lifestyle were tracked from 2011 to 2017.


Over the six-year study, the researchers found that eating mushrooms lowered the chances of mild cognitive impairment, so that roughly nine out of 100 people who ate more than two portions(300g)a week were diagnosed, compared with 19 out of 100 among those who ate fewer than one portion.


Mild cognitive impairment can make people forgetful, affect their memory and cause problems with language, attention and locating objects in spaces - but the changes can be subtle. It is not serious enough to be defined as dementia.



impairment:名詞,損傷、(身體功能的)障礙。例如:renal function impairment(腎功能障礙)。

subtle:形容詞,隱晦的。例句:Her whole attitude has undergone a subtle change.(她整個態度出現微妙變化。)

dementia:名詞,失智症。例句:My father was diagnosed with dementia.(我父親被診斷出罹患失智症。)

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