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    中英對照讀新聞》U.S. Military Recruitment On Twitch 美軍在Twitch上招募新血



    2020/07/28 05:30


    The United States Army has its own esports team, USArmyEsports, that regularly streams video games like Call of Duty and League of Legends while chatting with viewers about life in the military and providing links to sign up.


    With the U.S. Navy and Air Force joining the army in creating esports teams earlier this year, the military has turned towards gaming as a way to connect with potential recruits.


    "Esports is just an avenue to start a conversation," explains Maj. Gen. Frank Muth in an interview with ThinkTech Hawaii. "We have a shared passion for e-sports, and we share that passion with the youth of America."

    「電競只是一種開啟對話的途徑」,法蘭克.穆斯少將接受「思想科技夏威夷」(ThinkTech Hawaii)訪問時解釋,「我們都有對電競的熱情,也想與美國年輕人分享這股熱情」。

    Despite the intention behind the initiative, having military personnel become Twitch streamers has already caused problems with Twitch. Civil liberties groups have criticized the military’s Twitch channels for banning commenters mentioning U.S. war crimes.



    avenue:名詞,管道、途徑。例句:We should pursue every avenue to fight climate change. (我們應該嘗試所有管道,去對抗氣候變遷。)

    recruiter:名詞,招募人員。例句:A competent recruiter have to find qualified candidates for positions.(一名稱職的招募人員必須為職缺找到合格的候選人。)

    initiative:名詞,新作法。例句:The company have launched the new initiative to improve the operational performance.(這家公司推出新作法,以提升營運績效。)

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