中英對照讀新聞》NHL-Canucks equipment man says he owes life to mystery Kraken fan 國家冰球聯盟加人隊設備經理說 他欠神秘的海怪隊球迷一命
The assistant equipment manager for the Vancouver Canucks took to social media on Saturday to find the Seattle Kraken fan he said saved his life by spotting a cancerous mole on the back of his neck.
Brian Hamilton, who was unaware of the mole, was going about his usual business during a National Hockey League game in Seattle on Oct. 23 when a woman sitting in a seat behind the visiting team bench kept trying to get his attention.
The persistent woman finally typed a message into her mobile photo and held it up for Hamilton, warning him, "The mole on the back of your neck is cancer."
After returning to Vancouver, Hamilton had the mole biopsied. It was diagnosed as a malignant melanoma.
"I am trying to find a very special person and I need the hockey community’s help," Hamilton wrote in a letter posted on the Canucks Twitter account. "To this woman I am trying to find, you changed my life, and now I want to find you to say THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH.
owe:動詞,欠、對…負有義務、受…的恩惠、將…歸功於。例句:We owe a duty to society. (我們對社會應盡義務。)
visiting team:名詞,客隊。例句:The home basketball team annihilated the visiting team.(籃球地主隊大敗客隊)
biopsy:名詞,切片檢查。動詞,進行切片檢查。例句:The lesions may be malignant and should be biopsied.(這病灶可能是惡性的,應該進行切片檢查。)