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    中英對照讀新聞》74% of NYC Voters Say Crime Is a Serious Problem in the City, an All-Time High74%紐約市選民認為該市犯罪猖獗 創新高



    2022/03/07 05:30


    As much as 74 percent of voters in New York City say crime is a very serious problem in the city, reaching the highest level since the topic was included in the Quinnipiac University Poll in 1999.


    Crime ranks as the most urgent issue facing New York City, according to the survey. As much as 46 percent of respondents say crime is the most urgent issue facing the mega city making it the top issue while affordable housing and homelessness issues have 14 percent and 9 percent in favor, respectively.

    根據這項調查,犯罪是紐約市面臨的最緊迫問題。多達46%的受訪者表示,犯罪是這座巨型城市面臨的最緊迫問題,使其成為首要問題,而負擔得起的住房和無家可歸問題,分別有14% 和9% 的受訪者表示認同。

    Meanwhile, 43 percent of voters say New York City is less safe compared with other big cities, which is the highest level since the question was first asked by Quinnipiac in 2003.



    rank:動詞,排名、排序。例句:Harvard is ranked among the ten best universities in the world. (哈佛大學躋身全球前10所最佳大學之一。)

    affordable;形容詞,價格合理、負擔得起的。例句:The company makes wearable, beautifully cut clothes at affordable prices.(這家公司生產經久耐穿、外形美觀且價格合理的服裝。)

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