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中英對照讀新聞》World’s most remote post office is hiring 世界上最偏遠郵局正在徵人



2022/05/16 05:30


Hundreds of people around the world are applying for a coveted job to run the world’s most remote post office. The position is in Antarctica and one of the key specifications is the ability to count penguins.


Four candidates will be chosen to fill the five-month role at Port Lockroy – affectionately dubbed the “Penguin Post Office”. The nearly-80-year-old building is on British-owned Goudier Island, which is about the size of a football field and is populated by hundreds of penguins

4名候選人將被選為在「洛克羅伊港」 擔任為期5個月的職位,該港被暱稱為「企鵝郵局」。這座擁有近80年歷史的建築,位於英國所屬的古迪爾島上,該島約有一個足球場那麼大,棲息著數百隻企鵝。

Although employees each have unique roles, they are collectively responsible for maintaining the historic site and catering to the thousands of tourists who come by boat during the season. The staff is also in charge of wildlife monitoring — which includes tallying penguins — and environmental data collection.



apply for:片語,申請。例句: Prisoners are entitled to apply for parole. (囚犯有權申請假釋。)

cater to sb/sth:片語,滿足或提供(個人或團體的)願望或需求。例句:Internet shopping caters to every conceivable need.(網路購物滿足了各種可以想像得到的需求。)

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