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中英對照讀新聞》Why are New York’s squirrels ‘splooting’? 紐約的松鼠為何「splooting」?



2023/01/06 05:30


People strolling through New York City’s parks may be stopped in their tracks this summer by a squirrel sprawled out, face down, limbs outstretched and lying still. Don’t be alarmed, says the city’s Department of Parks and Recreation. They’re just “splooting.”


A tweet by the parks agency earlier this week went viral online, confusing and delighting people in equal measure, after it advised: “If you see a squirrel lying down like this, don’t worry; it’s just fine...on hot days, squirrels keep cool by splooting (stretching out) on cool surfaces to reduce body heat.”


That sparked a rush of queries about what splooting means. But the word, of unknown origin, has been swirling around the internet for some time, popular among pet owners delighted at the sight of their dog or cat stretching out their hind legs in an amusing posture.



sprawl out:片語,1)四肢伸展地躺或臥;2) 雜亂無章地四散。例句:Her husband had been sprawled out in front of the television all day long.(她老公一整天都癱在電視機前。)

in equal measure:片語,指兩件事有同等作用或重要性;等量,相同程度。

swirl around:慣用語,1)繞轉;2)在特定群體間流傳。例句:The candidate argued that scandals swirling around her are all baseless.(候選人辯稱,有關她的醜聞全都毫無根據。)

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