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中英對照讀新聞》Rock collected by Apollo 17 astronaut in 1972 reveals moon’s age阿波羅17號太空人在1972年採集到的岩石揭露月球年齡



2023/10/29 05:30


During the Apollo 17 mission in 1972 - the last time people walked on the moon - U.S. astronauts Harrison Schmitt and Eugene Cernan collected about 110.4 kg of soil and rock samples that were returned to Earth for further study.


The moon is about 40 million years older than previously thought - forming more than 4.46 billion years ago, within 110 million years after the solar system’s birth, scientists said on Monday, based on analyses of the crystals.


The leading hypothesis for lunar formation is that during the solar system’s chaotic early history a Mars-sized object called Theia slammed into primordial Earth. This blasted magma - molten rock - into space, forming a debris disk that orbited Earth and coalesced into the moon. But the exact timing of the moon’s formation has been hard to nail down.


"I love the fact that this study was done on a sample that was collected and brought to Earth 51 years ago. At that time, atom probe tomography wasn’t developed yet and scientists wouldn’t have imagined the types of analyses we do today," said cosmochemist Philipp Heck, senior director of research at the Field Museum in Chicago, a University of Chicago professor and senior author of the study published in the journal Geochemical Perspectives Letters.



hypothesis:名詞,假說、假設。例句:Big Bang is the major hypothesis about the birth of the universe.(大霹靂是宇宙誕生的主流假說)

primordial:形容詞,原始的、原初的。例句:The primordial earth was full of dangers.(原始地球遍布著危險)

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