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    中英對照讀新聞》Caught at border with pythons in his pants, New York City man fined and sentenced to probation褲裡有蟒蛇在邊境被捕,紐約市男子被罰款並判緩刑

    泰國海關17日在首都曼谷素萬那普國際機場查獲一名男子涉嫌試圖將科摩多巨蜥、蟒蛇、烏龜和24 條活魚走私出境。圖僅供示意,與本報導內容無直接關聯。(法新社)

    泰國海關17日在首都曼谷素萬那普國際機場查獲一名男子涉嫌試圖將科摩多巨蜥、蟒蛇、烏龜和24 條活魚走私出境。圖僅供示意,與本報導內容無直接關聯。(法新社)

    2024/02/24 05:30


    A New York City man who admitted to smuggling three Burmese pythons in his pants through a U.S.-Canadian border crossing was sentenced Wednesday to a year of probation and fined $5,000, federal prosecutors said.


    Calvin Bautista, 38, crossed into northern New York with the hidden snakes on a bus from Montreal to New York City on July 15, 2018. The young adult snakes were hidden in the inner thigh of his pants in snake bags tied to the pants’ drawstring.


    Importation of Burmese pythons is regulated by an international treaty and by U.S. federal regulations listing them as “injurious to human beings.”


    The Burmese python, one of the world’s largest snakes, is considered a vulnerable species in its native Asia and is invasive in Florida, where it threatens native animals.



    injurious:形容詞,指有害的、誹謗的、中傷的。例句:Speak not injurious words.(別說誹謗他人的話。)

    invasive:形容詞,指侵入的、侵略性的、攻擊性的、肆意蔓延的、擴散性的。例句:With the invention of minimal invasive surgery, this incision wound during operation can be greatly downsized.(藉由微創手術,這個手術傷口可大幅縮小。)

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