中英對照讀新聞》Europa’s Oxygen Levels May Challenge Prospects for Life 木衛二的氧氣含量可能阻礙生命存在
New research suggests there’s less oxygen on the icy surface of Jupiter’s moon Europa than thought — and that could affect what if any life might be lurking in the moon’s underground ocean.
The new study is based on data collected by NASA’s Juno spacecraft during a particularly close flyby of Europa in 2022 — a distance of just 219 miles (353 kilometers).
A U.S.-European team calculated that between 13 pounds and 39 pounds (6 kilograms and 18 kilograms) of oxygen are produced every second at Europa’s surface.
Previous estimates had a much wider spread, with as much as 2,245 pounds (1,100 kilograms) of oxygen produced per second. So "unless Europa’s oxygen production was significantly higher in the past," the new measurements provide "a narrower range to support habitability," the researchers wrote.
moon:名詞,月亮、衛星。天體學上指繞行星運行的天體,例如地球的衛星是月球。例句:Jupiter has many moons, with Europa being one of the most notable.(木星有許多衛星,其中歐羅巴是最引人注目的衛星之一。)
lurk:動詞,潛伏,指隱藏或埋伏在某處,通常指生物在某個地方暫時存在或隱藏。例句:Terrorists may lurk in the shadows.(恐怖分子可能在暗處潛伏。)