中英對照讀新聞》 World’s most relaxed people gather in Seoul for ’space-out’ competition 世界上最放鬆的人們齊聚首爾進行「放空」比賽
In downtown Seoul, in front of the iconic Gyeongbokgung palace, dozens of people of all ages sit on wet yoga mats, staring into space. Some are dressed in doctors’ and dentists’ uniforms, while others wear the attire of office workers and students. Welcome to the international "space-out competition".
The rules are simple: do absolutely nothing. Falling asleep, however, leads to disqualification. Organisers monitor the participants’ heart rates; the contestant with the most stable heart rate wins.
Started in 2014 by local artist Woopsyang, the space-out competition has grown in popularity over the years. Described as visual art, the performance aims to create a mini-city of people doing nothing amid those busy at work, driving home the message that doing nothing is not a waste of time.
amid:介系詞,在…當中(之間)。例句:Amid the skyscrapers locates a tiny park.(一座小公園座落在摩天大樓之間。)
drive one’s message home:慣用語,充分表達想法。例句:The instructor drove her message home, explaining this idea several times.(講師多次解釋這個觀點,充分表達她的想法。)