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    中英對照讀新聞》Chinese woman facing charge of trying to smuggle turtles across Vermont lake to Canada 中國女子因試圖划過佛蒙特湖 將烏龜走私至加拿大而面臨指控



    2024/07/16 05:30


    A woman from China has been arrested at a Vermont lake bordering Quebec for trying to smuggle 29 eastern box turtles, a protected species, into Canada by kayak, according to Border Patrol agents.


    Wan Yee Ng was arrested on the morning of June 28 at an Airbnb in Canaan as she was about to get into an inflatable kayak with a duffle bag on Lake Wallace, according to an agent’s affidavit filed in federal court. Agents had been notified by Royal Canadian Mounted Police that two other people, including a man who was believed to be her husband, had started to paddle an inflatable watercraft from the Canadian side of the lake toward the United States.

    根據1名執法人員向聯邦法院提交的證詞,吳萬怡(Wan Yee Ng)6月28日上午在迦南的1家Airbnb出租民宿被捕,當時她帶著行李袋,正準備踏入華萊士湖上的充氣輕艇。這些執法人員先前獲加拿大皇家騎警通知,另外2人,包括1名據信是吳萬怡丈夫的男子,已開始划著1艘充氣船,從華萊士湖的加拿大一側前往美國。

    The agents searched her heavy duffle bag and found 29 live eastern box turtles individually wrapped in socks, the affidavit states. Eastern box turtles are known to be sold on the Chinese black market for $1,000 each, according to the affidavit.




    smuggle,動詞,走私、偷運。例句:She was caught trying to smuggle 26 kilos of heroin out of the country. (她在企圖將26公斤的海洛因走私出境時被補。)

    inflatable,形容詞,可充氣的、得意的、膨脹的。例句:I bought a new inflatable mattress for camping.(我為了露營買了一張新的充氣床墊。)

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