中英對照讀新聞》QR-code stickers mysteriously appear on 1,000 Munich graves慕尼黑1000個墳墓上出現神秘的QR碼貼紙
Police in Munich are investigating a mystery: More than 1,000 stickers were put on gravestones and wooden crosses at three cemeteries in the German city, without any indication of where they came from or why.
The 5x3.5-centimeter stickers are printed with a QR code, that, when scanned, shows the name of the person buried in the grave and its location in the cemetery — but nothing else.
"We haven’t found any pattern behind this yet. The stickers were put both on decades-old gravestones and very new graves that so far only have a wooden cross," police spokesperson told The Associated Press.
Police are not only trying to find out who is behind the stickers, but are also investigating property damage, because the gravestones were partially damaged and discolored when the stickers were removed.
cemetery:名詞,墓地、公墓。例句:At the corner of the cemetery gathering the mourners.(在墓園的一角,哀悼者聚集在一起。)
discolor:(使)褪色、變色。例句:The rice is discolored by the tomato sauce.(白飯因蕃茄醬而變色。)