中英對照讀新聞》How an AI granny is combating phone scams 人工智慧阿嬤如何打擊電話詐騙
At first glance, Daisy looks like your stereotypical grandmother: She loves knitting and talking about her family, has a cat named Fluffy, is technologically inept and has plenty of time to shoot the breeze.
But dig a little deeper, and you’ll find her to be exceptionally tech-enabled, with a few cunning tricks up her sleeve.
That’s because Daisy is a conversational artificial intelligence chatbot created by British mobile phone company O2 to help combat fraud by tricking phone scammers into thinking they are speaking to a real person.
Daisy’s mission, according to O2, “is to talk with fraudsters and waste as much of their time as possible with human-like rambling chat to keep them away from real people.”
shoot the breeze:慣用語,閒聊,閒談。
trick up (one’s) sleeve:片語,袖中玄機、錦囊妙計、壓箱寶、暗中秘招;指必要時可拿來用的秘密計畫、構想或優勢。例句:The President may have some tricks up his sleeve for ending the war.(總統可能有一些結束戰爭的錦囊妙計。)