中英對照讀新聞》Conan O’Brien says Oscars can’t avoid politics but won’t dwell on it康納.歐布萊恩表示 奧斯卡無法避免政治 但會適可而止
Conan O’Brien said he does not think he can avoid politics when he steps on the stage on Sunday to host the Academy Awards, the highest honors in the movie business.
Past hosts and winners in traditionally liberal Hollywood often commented on current events, at times sparking angry critiques from Donald Trump on social media.
O’Brien, a first-time Oscars host, said at a press conference. "I want to do it with humor and also make sure the night doesn’t drift into only about that."
O’Brien said he had a responsibility to celebrate the actors and craftspeople who worked on the nominated movies while acknowledging current events. "It’s a difficult line to walk, but I’m determined to do it," he said.
dwell on:片語,放不下、叨唸。例句:When we were hanging out, he dwelt on his adolescent son’s misbehavior.(當我們聚在一起時,他老叨唸著自己青春期兒子的不當舉止。)
spark:動詞,激起、觸發。例句:The death of the opposition leader has sparked protests across the country.(反對派領袖的死亡在全國各地激起抗議行動。)