中英對照讀新聞》California man accidentally pays neighbor’s power bill for years加州男子不小心幫鄰居付了多年電費
A California man discovered he has been mistakenly paying his neighbor’s power bill for up to 18 years.
Ken Wilson, who has lived in the same apartment since 2006, said he recently noticed his Pacific Gas and Electric bill was going up, so he took steps to try to reduce his energy usage.
He reached out to PG&E when his bill failed to go down.
"I thought there was a leak or someone was stealing my electricity or the meter was faulty," he said.
A PG&E employee came to examine Wilson’s meter and discovered the company had been charging him for the unit next door, instead of his own apartment.
usage:名詞,使用;用法。例句:The microwave was impaired because of inappropriate usage.(這台微波爐被不當使用,所以壞掉了。)
faulty:形容詞,有缺陷的;不完善的。例句:The motorcycle accident was due to faulty brakes.(這起摩托車事故是因煞車失靈而起。)