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《中英對照讀新聞》Exit sign changed to read "Crooked Hillary"-出口路標被改成「狡詐的希拉蕊」



2017/09/01 06:00


A person in New York used a highway sign to take a jab at Hillary Clinton.


An exit sign on Long Island used to say "Crooked Hill Rd" on Sagtikos Parkway east of New York City, but someone added some letters to spell out "Crooked Hillary."


A local resident snapped an image of the term Donald Trump referred to his opponent during the presidential campaign.


Transportation officials later removed the sign and reminded everyone that defacing traffic signs is illegal.



take a jab at/take jabs at:慣用語,攻擊,抨擊。jab,名詞,猛戳,猛擊。例句:He is always taking jabs at people who he thinks are unfriendly to him.(他總是抨擊那些他自認對他不友善的人。)

spell something out:慣用語,字面意義為(用字母)拼出來;引伸意義為清楚詳述某事。例句:What do you mean you don’t understand - do I have to spell it out for you?(你說你不懂是什麼意思?要我拼給你聽嗎?/一字一句解釋給你聽嗎?)

deface:動詞,損壞……的外觀,塗污。例句:They were fined for defacing a statue in the park.(他們因毀損公園內一座雕像而遭到罰款。)

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