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    中英對照讀新聞》"Toxic" is Oxford Dictionaries’ word of the year 「有毒的」為牛津字典年度代表字

    英國牛津字典今年的代表字為「toxic」,其中文意思為「有毒的」或「有害的」,據信該單字搜尋量遽增與「Me Too」女權運動有關。(取自網路)

    英國牛津字典今年的代表字為「toxic」,其中文意思為「有毒的」或「有害的」,據信該單字搜尋量遽增與「Me Too」女權運動有關。(取自網路)

    2018/12/18 06:00


    Oxford Dictionary has chosen "toxic" as its Word of the Year as the adjective reflects the ethos, mood, or preoccupations in 2018.


    There was a 45 percent rise in the number of times "toxic" was searched on the Oxford throughout the year, according to its data. The adjective "toxic" first appeared in English in the mid-seventeenth century. Words like "environment", "relationship" and "culture" were habitually used alongside "toxic".


    The dictionary said "chemical" and "masculinity" were the two most-used words in conjunction with "toxic". Twitter users were quick to point out that the "Me Too" movement, which zeroed in on sexual harassment and sexual assault, has put the light on "toxic masculinity,"

    牛津字典表示,「化學」與「男子氣概」是最常與「有毒的」連結使用的兩個單字。「推特」用戶隨即指出,聚焦於性騷擾及性侵害的「Me Too」運動,使得「有毒的男子氣概」一詞成為焦點。

    Other shortlisted words included "gaslighting", "incel" and "techlash". In 2017, its Word of the Year was "youthquake," defined as "an important social or political change that is started by young people."



    ethos:名詞,風氣、社會思潮。例句:Violence is part of their ethos.(暴力是他們社會風氣的一部分。)

    zero in on:動詞片語,集中火力(注意力)於某事。例句:We must decide on our target market, then zero in on it.(我們必須決定目標市場,然後集中火力。)

    shortlist:動詞,列入入圍(候選或決選)名單。例句:I’ve shortlisted three applicants.(我已將3名申請者列入候選名單。)

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