中英對照讀新聞》Don’t let AI ’rip off’ artists, Beatles star McCartney warns UK government披頭四巨星保羅‧麥卡尼示警英國政府 別讓AI侵害藝術家
Beatles musician Paul McCartney has warned that artificial intelligence could be used to "rip off" artists, urging the British government to make sure upcoming copyright reforms protect its creative industries.
Globally the music and film industries are grappling with the legal and ethical implications of AI models that can produce their own output after being trained on popular works, without necessarily paying the creators of the original content.
Britain in December proposed a way for artists to license their work to be used in training AI, but also said there should be an exception "to support use at scale of a wide range of material by AI developers where rights have not been reserved."
rip off:動詞,竊取、訛詐。例句:A lot of fans have been ripped off by scalpers lately.(近來有很多粉絲都被黃牛訛詐。)
reserve:動詞,保留、保有。例句:John has always reserved his weekends for his kids.(約翰總是把週末留給自己的孩子。)