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《中英對照讀新聞》N. Korea’s ’new’ ballistic missiles similar to Russia’s Iskander - 北韓「新」彈道飛彈與俄國「伊斯坎德」相似



2019/07/28 05:30


North Korea on Thursday fired two short-range missiles into the East Sea, and both flew around 600 kilometers at an altitude of around 50 km, according to an officer at the Joint Chiefs of Staff.


"Differing from a general parabolic trajectory, the Iskander shows a complicated flight pattern and what North Korea fired showed a similar one," the officer noted. It is the first time that the military authorities have officially offered such an assessment.


The two missiles were initially presumed to have flown 430 km and 690 km, respectively, but "further analysis conducted jointly with the United States showed that they added the so-called pull-up maneuver in the dive phase," the officer said. In the reentry phase, the Iskander pulls up to fly horizontally and then dives to attack its target with a near 90-degree falling angle, which aims to avoid interception, according to experts.



parabolic:形容詞,拋物線的、碗碟狀的。例句:A parabolic dish mounted on the roof receives the Internet signal from a satellite.(一個裝在屋頂上的碟狀天線,會接收來自一枚衛星的網路信號。)

trajectory:名詞,軌道(跡)。例句:The ball traveled a perfect trajectory.(這顆球劃過一道完美的軌跡。)

presume:動詞,假定(設)、推測(定)、認為、猜想、擅自(冒昧)。例句:We are presumed innocent until you are proved guilty.(我們在被證明有罪前,都被假定是無罪的。)

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