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中英對照─Adorable Shark Fits in Your Hand/手掌大小的可愛鯊魚



2019/08/05 05:30


Tiny, blunt-headed sharks called pocket sharks are so rare that until just a few years ago, only one individual had ever been collected from the southeastern Pacific Ocean.


The only other pocket shark specimen in the world - a female - was caught in 1979 and is part of the collection at the Zoological Museum in St. Petersburg, Russia.


Researchers with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration(NOAA)caught a second pocket shark in 2010 in the Gulf of Mexico. Scientists declared it to be a pocket shark in 2015, and after further analysis it was recently described as a new species.


You might think that adorable pocket sharks are so named because they’re small enough to fit comfortably in a pocket. However, the name comes not from their petite size but from a physical feature:a pocket-like orifice found near their pectoral fins.



shark:名詞,鯊魚。例句:From certain angles, pocket sharks look like very, very tiny sperm whales.(口袋鯊從特定角度看起來,很像非常、非常迷你的抹香鯨。)

specimen:名詞,標本。例句:This new specimen has light-producing organs distributed on its stomach and back.(這個新標本的背部和腹部分布著會發光的器官。)

pectoral fin:名詞,胸鰭。例句:Most sharks have eight fins:a pair of pectoral fins, a pair of pelvic fins, two dorsal fins, an anal fin, and a caudal fin.(大部分的鯊魚有8隻鰭:1對胸鰭、1對腹鰭、2個背鰭、1個臀鰭、1個尾鰭。)

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