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    《中英對照讀新聞》Not a coward: no mask for North Korea’s Kim 不是膽小鬼:北韓領袖金正恩不戴口罩



    2020/03/19 05:30


    As he watches his troops firing rockets and artillery shells, one thing that marks North Korean leader Kim Jong Un out from the officers is his coronavirus mask: it isn’t there.


    Kim has overseen multiple military drills in recent weeks as Pyongyang mounts an all-out drive to prevent an outbreak of the disease that has spread around the world from China.


    Every time Kim supervised exercises, he has had his face uncovered under a black fur hat, while all the officers next to him have worn black masks.


    "The North carefully controls and calibrates imagery of Kim. He may want to show people that he is not afraid of the virus, that he is above infection," said Rachel Minyoung Lee, senior analyst with specialist site NK News.

    南韓媒體NK News資深分析師李敏英(譯音)說:「北韓向來小心翼翼地掌控及調整金正恩的形象,金可能想在人民面前展現無懼病毒的一面,即他超越感染。」

    Koh Yu-hwan, a professor of North Korean studies at Dongguk University, said an image of Kim wearing a mask could risk "undermining his charisma... as if he is some sort of a coward.(AFP)



    coronavirus:名詞,冠狀病毒。例句:SARS is caused by coronavirus.(嚴重急性呼吸道症候群是由冠狀病毒引起的。)

    all-out:形容詞,全力以赴的。例句:The government made an all-out effort to curb the COVID-19 pandemic.(政府竭力遏阻嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎大流行。)

    calibrate:動詞,校準。例句:Before you weigh chemical substances, you have to calibrate the scale first.(在秤量化學物質前,你必須先校正刻度。)

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