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中英對照讀新聞》World’s longest animal discovered in Australian waters 在澳洲海域發現世界最長動物

科學家在澳洲沿岸的深海中,發現外型有如一條繩子的管水母。(取自Schmidt Ocean Institute官網)

科學家在澳洲沿岸的深海中,發現外型有如一條繩子的管水母。(取自Schmidt Ocean Institute官網)

2020/04/28 05:30


Scientists exploring the deep sea off Australia’s coast have discovered as many as 30 new marine species – and what may be the longest animal ever seen.


The discoveries were the result of expeditions into Western Australia’s underwater canyons. One of the biggest discoveries was a siphonophore measuring an estimated 46 metres. Siphonophores are deep-sea predators made up of many small clones that act together as one and spread out like a single long string in the water. Researchers think this particular siphonophore may be the longest yet found.


Nerida Wilson, a senior research scientist at the Western Australia Museum, who led the expedition, said the discovery of the extra-long siphonophore came when many researchers on board were least expecting it. The research vehicle dived as deep as 4,439 metres, but the siphonophore was only discovered as the vehicle was making its way back to the surface at around 630 metres.



predator:名詞 ,掠食者。例句:The leopard is a predator of the monkey.(花豹是這隻猴子的掠食者。)

expedition:名詞,探險、遠征。例句:We discovered a new species during the expedition.(我們在這次探險中,發現一種新物種。)

dive:動詞,潛水。例句:To rescue the girl, the lifeguard dived in the river quickly.(為了營救那個女孩,救生員飛快地潛進河裡。)

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