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中英對照讀新聞》Bouncing back: Restaurant debuts ’bumper tables’ amid virus 重新開張:餐廳在疫情期間首推「碰碰桌」



2020/06/11 05:30


Diners in a Maryland beach town are bouncing back into dining out amid the coronavirus pandemic with a little help from inflatable inner tubes on wheels.


The so-called "bumper tables" were rolled out at Fish Tales, a restaurant in Ocean City. The inflated tube tables were created to allow people to practice social distancing while eating and talking in outdoor settings.


The devices feature a hole in the middle to accommodate people around 1 to 2 meters tall. With wheels attached to the bottom, people can move around easily while maintaining a 2-meter distance from each other.


The owner Shawn Harman said he and his wife have purchased 10 bumper tables. He also plans to order 40 more tables to allow more customers to enjoy their food.


"If you come in to get a pound of shrimp and a beer, you can stand in one of these and walk around and look at things and talk to people."(AP)



bounce back:動詞片語,恢復;重振旗鼓。例句:Youngsters bounce back from illness very quickly.(年輕人病後恢復神速。)

inflate:動詞,(使)充氣、膨脹。例句:We need to inflate a hundred balloons before noon.(我們必須在中午前將100顆氣球充飽。)

bumper:名詞,(汽車前後)保險桿;緩衝器。例句:Thanks to the front bumper, the damage to my car was not serious.(幸好前桿發揮作用,我的車子並未嚴重損壞。)

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