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    中英對照讀新聞》Post-Trump era a possibility, Europeans see no quick fix to U.S. ties 後川普時代有可能,歐洲人認為無法迅速修補與美關係



    2020/08/05 05:30


    If Donald Trump loses in November, it’s no secret that most European policymakers will be happy to see his back. But as they envision the possibility of a post-Trump future, many are wondering how quickly the trans-Atlantic alliance can be fixed.


    Officials in capitals across Europe say they are making no assumptions about the likely outcome of the U.S. election. Having failed to anticipate Trump’s first victory, "the German government already burned its fingers," said Jurgen Hardt, foreign affairs spokesman for Chancellor Angela Merkel’s CDU party and an expert on U.S.-German ties.


    Still, when they allow themselves to look ahead to the prospect of a Biden presidency, they don’t necessarily see an instant resumption of the easier Barack Obama years.


    "I don’t expect that, if we have a new president, everything will just fall into place," said Reinhard Buetikofer, a trade expert for the Greens in the European Parliament. (Reuters)



    see one’s back:片語,巴不得某人或事快點離開或結束。例句:They are glad to see the back of him.(我們樂見他趕快離開。)

    envision:動詞,想像、設想。例句:We envision a world without wars.(我們設想一個沒有戰爭的世界。)

    burn one’s fingers:片語,因某些行動而承受負面後果。例句:Don’t get involved in the controversy, or you may burn your fingers.(別蹚渾水,否則你會吃苦頭。)

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