《中英對照讀新聞》Kangaroos can learn to communicate with humans, researchers say/研究人員說 袋鼠能學習和人類溝通
Kangaroos can learn to communicate with humans similar to how domesticated dogs do, by using their gaze to "point" and ask for help, researchers said in a study published on Wednesday.
The study involved 11 kangaroos that lived in captivity but had not been domesticated. Ten of the 11 marsupials intently gazed at researchers when they were unable to open a box with food, according to the report. Nine alternately looked at the human and at the container, as a way of pointing or gesturing toward the object.
"We interpreted this as a deliberate form of communication, a request for help," Alan McElligott, the Irish researcher who led the study, told Reuters in a call.
The findings challenge the notion that only domesticated animals such as dogs, horses or goats communicate with humans. (Reuters)
captivity:名詞,指囚禁。例句:All the hostages were released from captivity.(所有人質都被放了。)
intently:副詞,指專心地、熱切地。例句:We are listening intently.(我們正洗耳恭聽。)
alternately:副詞,指交替地、輪流地。例句:She criticized and praised him alternately.(她對他時而批評、時而讚許。)