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中英對照讀新聞》Woman says $26M California lottery ticket destroyed in wash 女子稱價值2600萬美元的加州彩券被洗壞

美國「大百萬樂透(Mega Millions)」在全國各地積極打廣告,圖為設在密西西比州首府傑克森市的看板,12日宣傳頭獎累積金額上看4.3億美元。圖僅供示意,與此報導內容無直接關聯。(資料照,美聯社)

美國「大百萬樂透(Mega Millions)」在全國各地積極打廣告,圖為設在密西西比州首府傑克森市的看板,12日宣傳頭獎累積金額上看4.3億美元。圖僅供示意,與此報導內容無直接關聯。(資料照,美聯社)

2021/06/05 05:30


The winner of a $26 million California Lottery prize may have literally washed the chance of a fortune down the drain.


The winning SuperLotto Plus ticket for the Nov. 14 drawing was sold at an Arco AM/PM convenience store in the Los Angeles suburb of Norwalk. Thursday was the last day to redeem it.

11月14日開出的「SuperLotto Plus」獲獎彩券,是在洛杉磯郊區諾沃克的Arco AM/PM便利商店賣出的。週四是兌獎的最後一天。

Nobody did.


Store employee Esperanza Hernandez told the Whittier Daily News that a woman came in Wednesday and told workers that she had put the ticket in her pants and it was destroyed in the laundry.


The store’s manager told KTLA-TV that surveillance video showed the woman who bought the ticket, and she’s known to store workers.


A copy of the surveillance video was turned over to California Lottery officials, the manager said.(AP)



down the drain:片語,指付諸流水、打水漂、浪費掉。例句:All his efforts have gone down the drain.(他的努力全部前功盡棄。)

redeem:動詞,指補救、抵消、贖回、履行、踐諾、將優惠券等兌換成現金或物品、基督教的救贖。例句:He tried to redeem himself in her eyes.(他試圖挽回他在她心中的形象。)

turn over:片語,指翻覆、翻轉、移交、引擎轉動。例句:Apparently she’s turned over a new leaf.(顯然她已改過自新。)

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