中英對照讀新聞》Growing ‘mermaiding’ subculture makes a splash不斷成長的美人魚次文化引起轟動
There was a pivotal moment in Queen Pangke Tabora’s life that eclipsed all others: It was the moment, she says, when she first slid her legs into a mermaid tail.
For the transgender Filipina woman approaching middle age, seeing her legs encased in vibrant, scaly-looking neoprene three years ago was the realization of a childhood dream. And it marked the beginning of her immersion into a watery world where she would find acceptance.
The former insurance company worker described the experience of gliding under water, half-human and half-fish, as “meditation in motion.”“The feeling was mermai-zing,”Tabora said one recent morning while lounging in a fiery red tail on a rocky beach south of Manila, where she now teaches mermaiding and freediving full-time.
In recent years, a growing number have gleefully flocked to mermaid conventions and competitions, formed local groups called“pods,” launched mermaid magazines and poured their savings into a multimillion-dollar mermaid tail industry.
make a splash:造出濺水聲、一鳴驚人、引起轟動。例句:The news of her arrest made a huge splash.(她被捕的消息引起大轟動)
pod:名詞,豆莢、繭、(海洋哺乳動物的)一群。例句:A pod of dolphins feeding in near-by waters just confirmed to us that this was the place to find quality fish.(一群海豚在附近水域覓食,向我們證實了這是尋找優質魚類之所在)