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中英對照讀新聞》Robot that stocks drinks is newest thing at the corner store 可補充飲品的機器人是街角商店的新夥伴



2023/01/12 05:30


A small robot with a clip-like hand and enough smarts to know which drinks are popular is to make convenience stores even more convenient.


On a recent day in Tokyo, the robot named TX SCARA slid back and forth behind the refrigerated shelves in the back of a FamilyMart store.

近期在東京的某一天,這組名叫TX SCARA的機器人在一家全家便利商店備貨區的冷藏架後方來回滑動。

The hand on the end of its mechanical arm grasped a bottle or can from the stacks, then the robot slithered to the right spot and placed the drink on the shelf — in a place chosen after its artificial intelligence and tiny cameras matched the kind of beverage to what’s running short.


The beverage shelves in the back are farthest from the cash register, keeping workers running back and forth. And the beverage space is refrigerated, uncomfortably cold for people to stay there too many hours.(AP)



slide:動詞,滑動。例句:Little kids was having fun sliding on the polished floor in their socks。(小孩們穿著襪子在擦得亮晶晶的地板上滑來滑去,玩得不亦樂乎。)

slither:動詞,滑行。例句:Little kids watched a snake slither away in terror.(小孩們驚恐地看著一條蛇滑走。)

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