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中英對照讀新聞》Tom Hanks brings love of space to new immersive London show湯姆.漢克把太空之愛帶進倫敦的新沉浸式展演中



2023/12/24 05:30


"The Moonwalkers: A Journey With Tom Hanks" looks at the first moon landings of the Apollo missions from 1969 to 1972 and their successor, NASA’s human spaceflight program, Artemis.


"...Men and women are going to go back...very soon and isn’t it wonderful that we have the curiosity and the drive in order to do something for which there is no rewarded riches, there’s no territory that is going to be conquered," Hanks said. "The only thing that we are going to get is proof that...we can not only imagine the impossible, we can make the impossible possible.”


Asked if he wanted to go to space himself, he said: “If they need somebody to go up and just keep the windows clean and serve the food and clean up afterwards, I’d be their man."


"There’s something about the experience. I think you need time. I know people can go up and they can come down and that’s a wonderful thing and that’s great. But I think I need a little bit more time up there to ponder the infinite universe.”



riches:名詞,財產、豐富資源。例句:This area has enormous rare riches .(這個地區有著龐大的稀有資源)

ponder:動詞,思考、沉思。例句:The general is pondering his strategy of combat.(將軍正在思考他的作戰策略)

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