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    Bones from German cave rewrite early history of Homo sapiens in Europe德國洞穴的骨骸改寫早期智人歐洲史



    2024/02/04 05:30


    Bone fragments unearthed in a cave in central Germany show that our species ventured into Europe’s cold higher latitudes more than 45,000 years ago - much earlier than previously known - in a finding that rewrites the early history of Homo sapiens on a continent still inhabited then by our cousins the Neanderthals.


    Scientists said on Wednesday they identified through ancient DNA 13 Homo sapiens skeletal remains in Ilsenhöhle cave, situated below a medieval hilltop castle in the German town of Ranis. The bones were determined to be up to 47,500 years old. Until now, the oldest Homo sapiens remains from northern central and northwestern Europe were about 40,000 years old.


    Homo sapiens arose in Africa more than 300,000 years ago, later trekking worldwide and encountering other human populations, including Neanderthals. The spotty fossil record has left unclear the details of how Homo sapiens spread through Europe and what role our species played in the extinction of Neanderthals, who disappeared roughly 40,000 years ago.



    trek:動詞,跋涉、遠行。例句:His 2025 to-do lists will include trekking the Himalayas.(跋涉喜馬拉雅山是他的2025年目標之一)

    extinction:名詞,滅絕。例句:An asteroid impact about 66 million years ago caused the extinction of dinosaurs.(約6600萬年前的一次小行星撞擊導致恐龍滅絕)

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