中英對照讀新聞》Hokkaido schools to extend summer break after record heat 北海道學校在破紀錄高溫後延長暑假
Schoolchildren in Hokkaido, the northernmost main island of Japan, can now look forward to longer summer breaks after temperatures hit a blistering 36.3 degrees this year.
The island’s education board revised administrative rules on Nov. 22 to extend the total vacation period for summer and winter breaks to a maximum 56 days from the current 50 days to match the national standard.
Schools run by the Hokkaido government will be given the flexibility to decide summer holiday extensions by themselves.
The new criteria will apply solely to high schools and special needs schools for children with disabilities for which the Hokkaido government is responsible.
However, elementary and junior high schools managed by local cities, towns and villages are expected to follow suit.
blistering:形容詞,起水泡的;極熱的;極憤怒的。blister,名詞/動詞,水泡;起水泡。例句:I got a blister on my foot.(我腳上有個水泡。)
follow suit:片語,跟著做,有樣學樣。例句:When one airline reduces its prices, the rest soon follow suit.(當一家航空公司降價時,其它公司也會很快跟進。)