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中英對照讀新聞》Sam Sam the Kittycat Man ran away. Thanks to a microchip, he was found close by — 11 years later 貓人山姆.山姆逃跑了。多虧了微晶片,11年後牠在附近被發現



2024/08/27 05:30


After Sam Sam the Kittycat Man disappeared 11 years ago, Jennifer Ravenel couldn’t hold another cat in her lap. Her heart never could overcome the loss of that feral kitten she had rescued from the crook of a tree on her South Carolina farm.

11年前,貓人山姆.山姆失踪後,珍妮佛‧羅芙奧 再也無法將另一隻貓抱在腿上,她的心永遠無法克服失去那隻野貓的痛苦,這隻小貓是她從南卡羅來納州農場的樹彎裡救出來的。

But Sam is now back in Ravenel’s lap, thanks to her decision to have a microchip put in him.


Charleston County Animal Control found Sam this month, skinny and feeding off scraps from a feral colony less than a mile from Ravenel’s home. His microchip was scanned, and Ravenel got a nearly unbelievable phone call.


“I really thought y’all were playing a prank on me, because it couldn’t be possible. But this is a miracle in itself,” Ravenel told workers at the Charleston Animal Society.



skinny:形容詞,瘦骨嶙峋的、極瘦的、緊身的。例句:She used to wear skinny jeans.(她習慣穿緊身牛仔褲。)

prank:名詞,胡鬧、玩笑、惡作劇。例句:When I was at school, we were always playing pranks on our teachers.(當我上學時,我們總是對老師惡作劇。)

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