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中英對照讀新聞》A lost cat’s mysterious 2-month, 900-mile journey home to California 1隻迷路的貓歷時2個月、900英里的神秘旅程回到加州的家

名叫Rayne Beau的灰貓,在黃石國家公園迷路2個月,並跋涉900英里後,今年8月回到加州的家。(美聯社)

名叫Rayne Beau的灰貓,在黃石國家公園迷路2個月,並跋涉900英里後,今年8月回到加州的家。(美聯社)

2024/09/24 05:30


A gray cat living an extraordinary life of visits to the beach and trips to the lake went on his biggest adventure alone: traveling hundreds of miles from Wyoming to California.


But how the feline named Rayne Beau — pronounced “rainbow” — made it home two months after getting lost in Yellowstone National Park during a summer camping trip remains a mystery.

但這隻名叫Rayne Beau(發音為「彩虹」)的貓科動物,在1次夏季露營旅行中,於黃石國家公園迷路2個月後如何回家,仍然是個謎。

Benny and Susanne Anguiano and their two cats arrived at Yellowstone’s Fishing Bridge RV Park on June 4 for the cats’ first trip to the forest. But soon after they arrived, Rayne Beau was startled and ran into the nearby trees.

班尼‧安吉亞諾和蘇珊娜‧安吉亞諾與他們的2隻貓,6月4日抵達黃石公園的釣魚橋露營車公園,這是貓咪們的首次森林之旅。但他們到達後不久,Rayne Beau受到驚嚇,然後跑進附近的樹林裡。

The couple looked for him for four days, even laying out his favorite treats and toys. When they finally had to drive back to Salinas, California, on June 8, Susanne Anguiano said she was crushed but never lost hope she would find him.



startle:動詞,使受驚、使嚇一大跳。例句:She was concentrating on her book and his voice startled her.(她正在聚精會神地看書,被他的聲音嚇了一跳。)

crush:動詞,壓碎,壓壞;碾碎。例句:The package had been badly crushed in the post.(包裹在郵寄過程中被擠壓而嚴重受損。)

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