中英對照讀新聞》US Says Weighing Big Changes At Google, Including Breakup 美國表示正考慮對谷歌進行重大改變,包括可能分拆
The US Department of Justice on Tuesday said it would demand that Google make profound changes to how it does business and even consider the possibility of a breakup, after the tech juggernaut was found to be running an illegal monopoly.
Determining how to address Google’s wrongs is the next stage of a landmark antitrust trial that saw the company in August judged a monopolist by US District Court Judge Amit Mehta.
An order to break up Google or require deep changes on how it does business marks a profound change by the US government’s competition enforcers that have largely left tech giants alone since failing to break up Microsoft two decades ago.
The government told the judge in a court filing that it was considering options that included "structural" changes which could see them asking for a divestment of its smartphone Android operating system or its Chrome browser.
profound:形容詞,深遠的,深切的。例句:The article implies profound meaning.(這篇文章隱含深切意義。)
juggernaut:名詞,一股不可阻擋的力量,或一個強大的組織、事物。例句:Amazon is often seen as a retail juggernaut, reshaping the way people shop around the world.(亞馬遜經常被視為零售業的龐然大物,重塑了全球消費者的購物方式。)