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中英對照讀新聞》At 7 feet, 9 inches, Olivier Rioux is the world’s tallest teen and an intriguing basketball prospect奧利維‧里奧身高7呎9吋,是世界最高的青少年,也是個吸引人的籃球潛力新秀

佛羅里達大學新鮮人奧利維‧里奧,身高7呎9吋, 成為歷來美國大學籃球比賽中最高大的選手。(美聯社)

佛羅里達大學新鮮人奧利維‧里奧,身高7呎9吋, 成為歷來美國大學籃球比賽中最高大的選手。(美聯社)

2024/11/05 05:30


Walking from his apartment to classes and then to the University of Florida’s basketball facility, Olivier Rioux poses for dozens — sometimes hundreds — of pictures a day.


Vertical shots, of course. Rioux won’t fit in the frame any other way. At 7 feet, 9 inches (2.4 meters), Rioux is the ultimate BMOC. He’s actually the Biggest Man On Campus — any campus.


The Florida freshman, a happy-go-lucky Canadian who owns a spot in the Guinness record book as the world’s tallest teenager, also will make basketball history when he plays for the 21st-ranked Gators this season. The cheerful guy known as “Oli” will become the tallest to play college hoops, supplanting 7-foot-7 Kenny George of UNC Asheville (2006-08).



intriguing:形容詞,有趣的、吸引人的、神秘的。例句:She has a really intriguing personality.(她的個性極具魅力。)

supplant:動詞,取代、代替。例句:Printed books will soon be supplanted by e-books.(紙本書將很快被電子書取代。)

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