中英對照讀新聞》EVs lag behind in Japan despite early lead by domestic makers 國內車廠起初雖領先,日本電動車銷售仍落後他國
◎ 張沛元
Although Japanese automakers rolled out mass-produced electric vehicles more than a decade ago, EVs still account for only a fraction of new vehicle sales in Japan compared with China and European countries.
Hyundai Motor Co., South Korea’s largest automaker, re-entered the Japanese market in 2022 with two zero-emission vehicles - an EV and a fuel-cell vehicle.
Cho Won-sang, president of Hyundai Mobility Japan Co., acknowledged fighting an uphill battle, citing oft-heard reasons for the slow acceptance of EVs in Japan.
“What is important in Japan is to enhance the credibility of EVs,” Cho said at an event to introduce a new EV model in Yokohama on June 5. “We will keep putting out products even if they do not sell well.”
lag behind:片語,落後於。例句:The restaurant is lagging behind its peers in quality and customer service.(這家餐廳在品質與客戶服務上落後同業。)
account for something:片語,(在數量上)佔…。
uphill:副詞,向上地,上坡地;形容詞,費力的,艱難的。例句:The President faced an uphill battle against her challengers to win re-election.(總統在擊敗挑戰者以贏得連任上陷入苦戰。)