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    中英對照讀新聞》52 Polar Bears ’Invade’ a Russian Town to Eat Garbage 52隻北極熊「入侵」俄羅斯城鎮吃垃圾



    2019/02/18 06:00


    Fifty-two hungry polar bears have occupied Belushya Guba, a settlement in a remote Russian Arctic archipelago. The animals reportedly attacked locals, ransacked garbage dumps and barged into residential buildings, according to a government statement released this weekend.


    Belushya Guba is a settlement of about 2,000 people in Russia’s remote Novaya Zemlya archipelago, which is best known for its spooky plankton blooms and nuclear bomb tests.


    Photos and videos posted over the weekend show the bears traipsing through empty schoolyards and even infiltrating the corridors of office buildings in search of food.


    Polar bears are considered a vulnerable species around the world as global warming continues to diminish their sea ice habitats. As sea ice melts, polar bears have to travel farther and work harder to catch seals, causing some to starve to death in the process.



    Polar Bear:名詞,北極熊。例句:The massive invasion of polar bears prompted regional officials to declare a state of emergency on Saturday.(北極熊大規模入侵,促使地方官員週六宣布當地進入緊急狀態。)

    town:名詞,城鎮、市鎮。例句:To protect the town, special patrols try to scare off the bears with cars and dogs.(為了保護城鎮,特別巡邏隊試圖以車輛和狗群嚇跑熊群。)

    Arctic:地名,北極。例句:In the Arctic, where the NOAA’s estimated 22,000 to 33,000 polar bears live, average temperatures are warming twice as fast as the rest of the world.(北極,美國國家海洋暨大氣總署預估棲息有2萬2000至3萬3000隻北極熊之地,平均氣溫變暖的速度是全球其他地區的2倍快。)

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