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    中英對照讀新聞》What is Deepfake? 「深度偽造」是什麼?



    2019/11/04 05:30


    Deepfakes rely on a branch of AI called Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs). It requires two machine learning networks that teach each other with an ongoing feedback loop. The first one takes real content and alters it. Then, the second machine learning network, known as the discriminator, tests the authenticity of the changes.


    GANs are still in the early stages, but people expect numerous potential commercial applications. For example, some can convert a single image into different poses. Others can suggest outfits similar to what a celebrity wears in a photo or turn a low-quality picture into a high-resolution snapshot.


    But, outside of those helpful uses, deepfakes could have sinister purposes. Consider the blowback if a criminal creates a deepfake video of something that would hurt someone’s reputation — for instance, a deepfake video of a politician "admitting" to illegal activities, like accepting a bribe.



    deepfake:名詞,深度偽造、深偽。例句:In one of the best-known examples of Deepfake manipulation, BuzzFeed published a clip now widely known as "ObamaPeele."(「深度偽造」操弄的著名案例之一,是BuzzFeed發布的「歐巴馬皮爾」影音片段。)

    machine learning:專有名詞,機器學習。例句:Machine learning is the science of getting computers to act without being explicitly programmed.(「機器學習」是一種讓電腦不需要明確編程即可運行的科學。)

    GAN(Generative Adversarial Network):專有名詞縮寫,生成對抗網路。例句:GANs were introduced in a paper by Ian Goodfellow and other researchers at the University of Montreal in 2014.(「生成對抗網路」在2014年的一篇論文中,首次由伊恩.古德菲洛等蒙特婁大學的研究人員提出。)

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