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    中英對照讀新聞》Veterinarians want you to pay close attention to your pets with "unpredictable" fireworks 關於「非預期」煙火 獸醫要你密切關注你的寵物



    2020/07/10 05:30


    With the Fourth of July around the corner, veterinarians are urging pet owners to pay close attention to their animals.


    The pandemic has canceled many scheduled community fireworks displays. However, veterinarians worry that could lead to more people illegally setting them off at home.


    "Home fireworks are actually less predictable than commercial fireworks," said Dr. M. Leanne Lilly from OSU’s Veterinary Medical Center. "With commercial fireworks, you know when they are going to start. You know when they are going to end. You can look up the schedule. You can prepare for them a lot better than you can not knowing when your neighbor five doors down is going to do them at 5 p.m. or 7 p.m. or 10 p.m."



    around the corner:慣用語,不遠,就在附近;即將來臨。例句:Many people mistakenly believe happiness is just around the corner if we land a better job, find a more attractive mate, or buy a bigger house.(許多人誤以為只要得到一份較好的工作、找一個更有魅力的另一半,或買一棟更大的房子,幸福就不遠了。)

    set off:片語,離開某處(出發);啟動,開始工作(警報響);引起爆炸(放煙火)。

    look up:片語,仰視;查詢;拜訪;情況好轉。例句:I didn’t know what the word meant until I looked it up in a dictionary.(我查了字典才知道這個字是什麼意思。)

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