中英對照讀新聞》103-year-old Italian swaps car for bike after licence breach 103歲義大利人駕照違規後從開車換成騎車
A 103-year-old Italian woman with an expired driving licence has been busted by police while popping over to see friends at night in an uninsured car.
It was 1:00 am when police received a call about a vehicle driving dangerously in the centre of Bondeno. The officers in the patrol car dispatched to the scene were "greatly surprised when they discovered the year of the driver’s birth", police said in a statement.
Giuseppina Molinari was born in 1920, "so is 103 years old but still capable of getting into a car and driving to Bondeno to meet friends", police said.
The centenarian was fined and then taken home by police. But she has not resigned herself to staying at home.
"I will buy myself a Vespa," Molinari told a local newspaper. In the meantime, she plans to visit friends by bicycle instead. (AFP)
bust:動詞(俚語):逮捕。例句:Police busted a major drug factory.(警方破獲一個大型毒品工廠。)
resign oneself to sth.:片語,順從(某情況)、不得不接受。例句:We resigned ourselves to the fact that we have lost the war.(我們不得不接受我們已經輸掉這場戰爭。)