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《中英對照讀新聞》Celebrating Buddha’s birthday, a South Korean DJ is in spotlight慶祝佛誕 南韓一名DJ成為目光焦點

南韓DJ NewJeansNim將電子舞曲與佛教教義結合,深受年輕人喜愛。(路透檔案照)

南韓DJ NewJeansNim將電子舞曲與佛教教義結合,深受年輕人喜愛。(路透檔案照)

2024/09/05 05:30


The man with a shaved head, a beatific smile and flowing grey monk’s robes was not offering meditation tips to soothe stress.


Instead, he was playing electronic dance music and shouting "This too shall pass! If you overcome suffering, you will live in paradise!", unlocking the roar of thousands of fans.


Known as "NewJeansNim", he is not a real Buddhist zen master but a South Korean DJ who is captivating young audiences by blending electronic dance music, or EDM, with the teachings of Buddha.


At an annual lotus lantern festival organised by South Korea’s largest Buddhist sect to celebrate the Buddha’s birthday, a large crowd gathered near a temple in Seoul to enjoy DJ NewJeansNim’s performance, chanting "Buddha Handsome!" and jumping with their palms joined in prayer.(Reuters)

在南韓最大佛教派系為慶祝佛陀誕生而舉辦的一年一度燃燈節上,一大群人聚集在首爾一座寺廟附近,欣賞DJ NewJeansNim的表演,高喊「帥佛陀!」,並雙手合十祈禱及跳躍。(路透)


Beautific:形容詞,幸福的、聖潔的。例句:The priest looked at me, with a beautific smile on his face.(牧師看著我,臉上掛著美麗的笑容。)

Captivate:動詞,迷住、蠱惑。例句:I was almost captivated by his beautific smile.(我幾乎被他天使般的笑容給迷住。)

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