中英對照讀新聞》Japan to make renewables top power source by 2040 日本要在2040年前讓再生能源成最大電力來源
Japan wants renewables to be its top power source by 2040 in a push to reduce dependence on coal and gas, government plans showed Tuesday.
The government had already said it wants the world’s fourth-largest economy to be carbon-neutral by 2050.
Under the new plans, renewables such as solar and wind are expected to account for 40 to 50 percent of electricity generation by 2040.
Resource-poor Japan "will aim to maximise the use of renewable energy as our main source of power", said the draft Strategic Energy Plan released on Tuesday. (AFP)
carbon-neutral:形容詞,碳中和的(淨碳排放量為零)。例句:We are working to create a carbon-neutral campus.(我們正努力打造一個淨零碳排校園。)
dependence:名詞,依賴,依靠。例句:The government is committed to reducing its dependence on imported oil.(政府致力於降低對進口石油的依賴。)